Diane Banks Associates Company Profile

Company Name: Diane Banks Associates
Country: United Kingdom
County: City of London
City: London
Post Code: W14 9ST
Company Website: www.dianebanks.co.uk/home/

Diane Banks Associates is a literary and talent agency based in central London representing commercial fiction and personality-led, media or current affairs based non-fiction in the UK, US and foreign language markets.  We offer first class representation for film and TV rights, we have direct relationships with the press and broadcast media and we actively source speaking engagements and corporate work for those of our clients who are interested in expanding their brand in this way.


As well as working with individual authors, we work closely with and represent book rights for selected TV agencies and production companies, PR agencies and sports and music managers.  We also represent an extensive list of ghost writers and can assist in matching up projects with appropriate writers.


Diane Banks founded Diane Banks Associates in 2006 following 9 years in London's trade publishing houses including Penguin and Hodder & Stoughton.  Diane currently sits on the committee of the Association of Authors' Agents (2012-2015). 

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