Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Company Profile

Company Name: Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Post Code: SW1P2AF
Company Website:

Charity partner of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. We were founded in 1958 by the Royal College to extend the body of knowledge and skills held by veterinarians and to contribute to higher standards and practice in treating and managing animal welfare. We offer an information service built on current scientific and technical knowledge, of direct use to the veterinary community. This is facilitated through our open-access journal, and supported through our library and information services. We provide historical knowledge about the profession’s origins and achievements, and the pathway through which it has achieved its current position in society. See our project cataloguing our historical collection held at RCVS here: We work with a wide network of interested people, seeking and assembling new knowledge, with a must-have resource for the veterinary profession, built on the principles of ‘evidence-based theory’. Our work is underpinned and facilitated by a grants and awards programme that both celebrates achievement, and builds new knowledge that will contribute to the EBVM and other projects

Contact Phone: 2072020708

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